Clear Communications is run by Doug Revell. After working as a writer and producer in Independent Television he joined the world's largest advertiser. He spent 14 years in the company, mainly producing commercials and working in advertising development, but also spending some time in brand management.

He then became a main board director of one of Europe's largest Conference and Presentation Production Companies. While there he worked for Whitbread, Lever Brothers, BP, Flymo, Procter & Gamble and several other national names.

He decided to become independent, and set up Clear Communications. Snce then we have worked for a string of household names as well as a number of smaller companies. Eventually Doug decided on semi-retirement, and moved to France. But clients kept on phoning, so he's still quite busy.

Clear Communications now concentrates on web site design, aiming to bring to the web the same principles of simplicity, cost effectiveness and directness which have brought their work (and their clients) success in other media.

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